- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Another footnote

Posted by: Simon Kongshoj ( unaffiliated, Fort Europe's North Tip ) on January 06, 1998 at 11:22:02:

In Reply to: A footnote posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on January 01, 1998 at 19:54:59:

An ugly fact regarding this matter:

Approximately a week ago, the EU central commission in Bruxelles received a plea for help from the People's Republic of North Korea. They needed food, specifically meat or fish, because lack of protein is steadily becoming a "national disease" in North Korea. EU burns more than 60% of its enormous meat production and over 70% of its fish production in order to keep prices up. But of course, being the sympathetic entity it is, "Fort Europe" sent food to Korea, but not meat.

We sent them rice.

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