: Actually I think it was Lenin who started out goood but ended bad 'cause he killed people who did not believe in communism and he went against Marx's idea where Marx states that the world is not ready for communism! Lenin I think is far from true marxism (which I am)! Just something to think about!A lot of what Lenin done was at the time necessary. This is a very brutal statement, I myself can easily find recourse with a lot of his action, but the 'new' system was underattack from within (the anarchist social revolutionaries who shot Lenin and other communist leaders) and from without (the white forces and reactionary international forces).
Everything that is inherent in leninst lore can be taken from the commie manifesto and therefore can stand as correct. However by centralising power within the party, imposing rather than developing change and overemphasising the role of the party as a vanguard the whole thing went to hell and allowed a fascist like Stalin to take over.