dear folks,Why don't we just get rid of capitalism (its only been around
for a few hundred years). Then we can get on with LIVING.To me, a free society is one where everyone, individually and
collectively as a community, takes responsibility for their own
lives, their own actions and environment. And also people,
individually and as a community, dont let anyone boss them about.
Where people's basic sense of justice and fairness is encouraged. Etc etc.That's all just common sense. The only thing stopping this happy
situation coming about is the vested financial and governmental
interests which only exist as parasites, for their own needs.
Hence they just need to be abolished so we can all just get on
with real life.It seems to me that there's 3 aspects to the problem:
1. Understanding the present problems, and identifying the causes
. (Capitalism and government basically - and any structures or
institutions of power and control).2. Working out in our own lives, our ways of relating to others
and of doing things (based on respect for others and working
together etc etc) the alternatives we are trying to create
and aiming for.. And building up a culture of freedom and
sharing, and of resistance to any and all injustice and
oppression - an anarchist movement of people in their daily
lives. Society is currently divided between the haves and the
have nots in all spheres and localities - and there is a
balance of power, a basic conflict wherever these interests
face eachother. Landlords vs tenants, employers vs workers,
state vs citizens, mass society (money, traffic system, TV
etc) vs humanity.... As people become more confident and
aware and organised, they begin to get the upper hand, and
eventually become strong enough to challenge the whole system. Thats when revolutions become possible, and even inevitable. We have to do our best to ensure they are successful, and libertarian in nature. Anarchist ideas and movements can help us all in appreciating what's really going on throughout this whole process.3. Developing a practical vision of the best society we could
achieve, based upon all the historical and global experiences
and efforts of people round the world, and upon our common
sense. Obviously, all the institutions and structures causing
the problems won't exist anymore, and must not be allowed to
re-constitute. Instead a fluid social fabric needs to be
created and defended, based upon free individuals, solidarity,
strong communities and a creative and concerned atmosphere.That's my views anyway. And that's why I've been an anarchist
ever since I became an activist trying to change things. We
are all able to get organised where we live and work, and also
with those we know and like. Lets hope we win.Best wishes,