: : when you pay the rent for your apartment or the mortgage for your house, that none of this would have been possible if it wasn't for CAPITALISM!!!!: Renting an overpriced, flimsy-walled fire hazard apartment, or paying back four dollars for every one dollar you borrow on your mortgage. Thanks, Capitalism.
You signed the lease or mortgage, buddy. You think anybody would lend money if there was no interest charged? I am amazed at how many people in the world want something for nothing.
: : How do you suppose anyone ever got anywhere in life, without CAPITALISM!!!
: I think they managed to do it for several thousand years.
Actually, The World was based on a mostly barter system until the advent of money. Cash (and capitolism) is just a means of making trade easier.
Everything you do in life is trade. Your work effort is traded for wages. Your wages are traded for food (or a fleabag apartment that nobody forced you to rent). You can even trade Nothing for Nothing.
This is the way of the bum. This is his choice.
You CANNOT, however, trade nothing for something. Nor can you expect something for nothing (unless you are a looter, usually with some form of a gun on your side).
Capitolsim is the closest thing to freedom we can manage.
Everything else is a form of slavery.