- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Population control: an evil concept

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on January 13, 1998 at 09:51:48:

In Reply to: Population...??? posted by Comrade Zeus on January 12, 1998 at 10:23:33:

Zeus, my dear chap,

Population control is an evil concept. Whether you realise it or not, when you advocate such policies you are admitting that you are a superiorist. Unless of course you are willing to stick a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger. In that case you can then be catagorised as mad. Who are you to determine who lives now or who can have children in the future? That's a superiorist notion reminiscent of some very evil regimes.

Children are indeed an inheritence of God, and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.


Robert M. Mitrocsak

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