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Dead Science = Dead Theory

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on January 14, 1998 at 09:07:52:

In Reply to: I must warn against utopias posted by Simon Kongshoj on January 12, 1998 at 15:38:44:

Simon, my dear chap,

Your entire argument and philosophical underpinnings are based on the limited viewpoint of materialism. Materialism assumes that all there is in existence is energy and mass, contained within a mere three dimensions of space (height, width, and depth), and one dimension of time.

That might have been a sufficient assumption in Marx's time when the science of the day was ruled by Newton's Gravitational Law, and hence its' logical deduction that the universe was infinite. However, Einstein overturned that real quickly in 1915. Moreover, the United State's COBE satellite (1992) results confirmed beyond all practical doubt (all but 10 to the minus 37th second's worth of practical doubt, for those who require a mild degree of accuracy, that is) the beginning to our universe and hence that Einstein was right and Newton wrong. The scientific cause and effect relationship quickly follows: Since there was a beginning (observed effect), then there must be a Beginner (causal Agent). Additionally, these discoveries set the conditions for thinking in extra-dimensional terms, that is beyond a finite cosmos. It is a shame that philosophers are a bit slower in catching on, isn't it?

I'll leave it to your imagination to guess as to which document declared unambiguously and accurately in ancient times "In the beginning...". In scientific terms that bold statement is called the beginning to our universe. Clearly materialism is on the ropes and gasping for its' final breath.

Socio-economic and metaphysical theories (materialism) that view life through the limited dimensionally of the universe inevitably must deny modern scientific conclusions. Materialism, based on its' faulty assumption, can now be discarded as a valid theory. Man-made cults, such as communism, that base themselves in materialistic terms deny extra-dimensionally. (See "Life after death: an extra-dimensional perspective" for more on this subject). I think it is time to get with the 20th century, don't you agree?

Dead Science = Dead Theory

God Bless you. Cheers.

Robert M. Mitrocsak

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