- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

go against the grain and think individually

Posted by: Jon Boyan ( USA ) on February 05, 1997 at 11:02:32:

In Reply to: Communism is idiotic posted by Katy Aderholdt on November 30, 1996 at 19:09:32:

> If you actually think that communism is a good think you need to
> stop smoking whatever you are smoking. Have you ever heard of
> the phase "history repeats itself" Look at the USSR. Maybe you
> should get off your butt and learn something from others
> mistakes.

Being an American I am ashamed by people
like this who are uneducated rednecks
I wish I had pity for this country
but I can not have pity for a country
whos people can not understand simple ideals
and people who can not (or rather will not)
go against the grain and think individually

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