First things first, no-one knows if capitalism or communism will really work.
The world not having EVER seen one of these forms of `society' in their pure form.
The united states seems to be the country which supports capitalism the most,
although the government there interferes with buisness more than one would think.
True capitalism is a state in which the individual has the right to persue any
type of buisness he chooses to without the government interfering, in every society,
inevitibly, the government interferes. This is not to say that there should be total
anarchy, however, it is essential to have a force of law enforcing individuals.
Communism aswell has never even remotely been seen in our world. When that word
is mentioned people automatically think of the USSR. I hate to break it to you but
that country was not in the LEAST bit communist. Actually, it was quite the opposite,
The russian leaders having autocratic rule, not Karl Marx's dream of the complete
absence of government. Our world has never seen either communism or capitalism in
either of their proposed forms, and it never will either. There will always be the
greedy bastard out there who will have no part of a communist society, SHARING?
Hah! And there will alwys be the "Why can't we all just get along", "If you do this
and I do that it'll work out good" nut who totally despises the idea of a few select
individuals dominating the nation.The only real difference between Communism and Capitalism is that one form works for
the better of the nation, the other works for the better of himself. Also, in Capitalism,
there is still a form of government, it just keeps it's grimy little hands out of the
peoples way when they are salivating over the thought of more wealth
If you have noticed any "Holes" in my argument please e-mail me, I will be happy to correct you.
Thanks Aaron