In Reply to: communism does not work posted by deranged on October 09, 1996 at 01:30:16:
> > Don't you idiots realize there is no better alternative to capitalism?
> > No other system has worked so well to enrich so many-including your
> > pitiful lives. How else could you hypocrites get your stupid message
> > out-In a capitalist system with a computer that costs enough to
> > feed hundereds in the Philippines etc. If your so against "capitalism
> > stop using it's most prominent tools to spread your message.> > Hypocrites all
> I agree completely with Todd's statement. While we can all try to do our
> part by "treading lightly" (recycyling, reusing, reducing), trying to over-
> throw our capitalist society is not the answer. The experience of the USSR
> shows us that communism does not work, we need to find another way. I think
> that multinationals should strive to become more and more green. While the jobs
> that McDonald's provides might be low-paying, they can serve as an incentive to
> young people to go out and do better.
You guys aren't so bright are you? Thought not. You haven't EVER seen communism in it's true form,
or capitalism for that matter. The USSR wasn't in the least bit communist, in fact it was the totally
opposite, it was autocratic, fools, just because it was SAID to be communist doesn't really mean it was,
does it now? Tom, just because I don't believe in Capitalism doesn't mean I believe in Communism either,
and does it mean that I shouldn't use a computer because people are hungry? Should I don rags and eat
one meal of rice a day so I don't look like I'm a capitalist? In my current situation I'm a poor bastard,
but hey, dont't worry, capitalism fixes everything right? Sure it does. Me being here on my computer
responding to a witless moron is really going to have alot of effect on a bunch of hungry people, as if
I saved for years and bought a bunch of them one-time meals that just delay the problem, not fix it.
What hapened to your capitalist "Oh, we can't help them, they must help themselves" Being a greedy
capitalist bastard, what should you care? Another thing, what if there are no other jobs? What if
you're stuck at a low pating Mcdonalds job with a family to feed and bills to pay? Oh but that's you're
fault for not going out and getting a better job. Silly, silly you. Capitalism stinks, it is the mark
of a society dominated by rich power hungry select group, most of them not deserving of their positons
of power. When you have thought the matter through and your tiny little mind comes out of overdrive,
respond with an answer that makes sense, and that doesn't leak all over the place because tou don't know
what communism is.Thanks.