- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Capitalism and Communism Lead to The Same End

Posted by: Brad Suspicious ( United Police States of America ) on February 12, 1997 at 07:39:20:

Communism is great in theory, unfortunately people with half a brain know that working for the negation of the self and for the "good of the collective masses" is utter shit. If everyone is working for the good of the collective masses, how can the collective masses work for itself?

If each person worked for theirself, wouldn't that be them working for their own fractionn of the collective masses? Or is it that if people worked to improve their own lives as they saw fit they wouldn't be working for the good of the ORGANIZERS of the collective masses?

Not that Capitalism is any better. People aren't working for themselves under capitalism either--they're working for once again--the organizers of the collective masses. And hell, nothing is better than having corporations run the
show of the balance of power (i.e. democracy, autocracy, monarchy) while either the media or the government itself pulls the wool over the public's eyes. And hell, no social safety net is even better!

It's always good to see lower class families struggling to survive while organizers of the collective masses are spending their money on more and more luxuries. Could it be that it's all the same? Capitalism, Communism--Fascism comes in both flavors.

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