- Capitalism and Alternatives -


Posted by: Glenn Brightwell ( ISO, USA ) on March 10, 1997 at 13:37:33:

It has become painfully obvious to me that very few people who post here really know what Communism and Socialism are and what they propose. There are many different perceptions floating around of what Communism and Socialism are. This surprises me as it is just not all that confusing. If everyone would at least read the Communist Manifesto then there would be far less confusion on the subject. All you people who say Communism will never work need to understand that it is basically inevitable. Whenever there is an industrialized Capitalist state there will be a growing proletariat. The proletariat will grow increasingly disgruntled with the system and the difficulty of basic survival and will revolt. And can we please stop these annoying references to the old USSR as Communism? If you've read even a little it will become clear that that was not Communism. It was state controlled Capitalism. Stalinism was no theoritician, he didn't have a clue as to what Communism really was. And all you anarchists must not have a clue as to what Communism really is either. If you read about Communism you would understand how interchangeable the words Communism and Anarchism are. What about all you out there that seem to think that Trotsky and Lenin were ideologically in opposition. REALLY, REALLY WRONG!!! They were the key figures in getting a rather sluggish Russian left to start moving towards revolution. They did this TOGETHER. They wrote the same stuff at the same time, they were in agreement. Please get this right. This is some of the most basic stuff and some of the most mistaken stuff. If you disagree or are still confused, e-mail me or post something. The layers of ignorance are getting out of hand.

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