> You leftover Communists are living in a fantasy world. The "poor" of the
> world don't want your help. They want American help. "Help us be more
> like you," they say. "Show us how privatization works We see the light." I'm sorry but I never asked for enlighted American help, I never asked that my horizons be littered with such sinister icons as Macdonalds' golden arches. I never asked for the onslaught of the free-market propoganda that crappy American t.v. and cinema productions are seeped in; nor did I request the light of privatisation to reach these shores. American imperialism, like any imperialism is not requested, it is imposed, or rather it invades. Maybe you should stop engaging in a little of your own most hated practice of history revision.
> And those poor old communists ain't got nothing to do, but rewrite history books all day.
Here we get to the root of the ignorance displayed in the first half of your little tale about the history of Communism. Firstly you are obviously content with the easily digestable crap that right wing, supposedly ideologically-void 'historians' have written on the basis of manipulated sources. Secondly your notion that only communists rewrite history is woefully inaccurate. True great Marxist historians have rewritten history. They have finally told the stories of countless millions that were conveniently left out of the old conservative histories of kings, nations, men, and the ruling elite. They have inspired great 'post'-colonial historians in re-discovering the histories of the colonised; finally rectifying some of the old racist myths of the conservative story telling that you seem to consider to be original 'history'. More importantly, i suppose you would call David Irving a communist on the basis that he revised and re-wrote the history of the Holocaust in such an inventive way that the death camps disappeared. But maybe like me, I do not consider David Irving exempt from the role of revisionist, perhaps unlike you however, I consider David Irving to be yet another myth-maker in the interest of lunatic-right.