- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Re: About Capitalism
Posted by: John on March 17, 1997 at 22:19:59:
In Reply to: Re: About Capitalism posted by Ashley Lavelle on January 02, 1997 at 21:34:43:
The idea that terrorism is an exclusively left wing tactic is appaling. Terrorism regardless of its political affiliation is a tool of extremeists. I have left wing tendencies and blanche at the idea of terrorism, as I'm sure most right wingers do. I think that we would all dismiss our political beliefs and affiliations if we believed that the only way to implement them, or even get them on the agenda was to blow up buildings in Olklahoma or shoppers in Manchester. I don't think that apportioning the blame for terrorism to a political direction is very helpful unless the responsible faction actually becomes the mainstream. I would never argue that because an Islamic fundamentalist blew up a plane all muslims were terrorists, I would appreciate that some of the most extreme ones may be. To try to tar an entire political bracket as vast and ambigous as the 'left' or the 'right' as more likely to terrorise is fruitless. The person who tried to blame the left with terrorism is presumeably right wing, as are the klan. I think that the Klan is terrorist, but I'm sure that our friend would like as much clear water between his beliefs and theirs as possible. equally the Khemr Rouge in Cambodia are left wing but I would not want to be seen to be their intellectual bed-fellow. At the end of the day it is very easy to find a political area you basicaly disagree guilty of anything, it is not very useful though and in any case your same general area is probably just as culpable of the same, if not worse.
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