- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Health care and capitalism

Posted by: Tracey ( Australia ) on March 21, 1997 at 02:29:00:

In Reply to: WE NEED CAPITALSIM! posted by Paul on March 19, 1997 at 22:39:11:

: WE NEED CAPITALISM! If we didn't have capitalism here in the USA,
: many things would go wrong. Our HEALTH CARE would drop to almost
: nothing because all of our DOCTORS that make 200 K - 500 K a year
: would say "Screw this... I'm not going to bust my butt to save
: peoples lives and make the same amount of MONEY as someone working
: at McDonalds. EFFECT: Doctors leave... move to CAPITALISTIC country.

A health system that provides doctors with such a ludicrously high annual income can hardly be called 'health care'. Depriving a health system of such doctors that demand that kind of money would surely only make it a better and more equitable system of care.

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