Our HEALTH CARE would drop to almost
: nothing because all of our DOCTORS that make 200 K - 500 K a yearI'm really sorry. There are very few doctors that make 200-500K in a year in America. In fact there are very few doctors in the world that make the kind of fictional figure you have dreamt of.
Facts aside, I really don't think you thought about what you wrote. Is a health service only any good if some people become appalingly rich our of it? it seems to be implied in your defence of it. Also I would rather be helped by a doctor who was interested in saving my life, rather than one who was interested in lineing his wallet.
I'm sure you know that money can't buy you love and yet that seems to be all you are advocating. That paying doctors enormous sums will make them love their patients. If the main interest of a doctor is money, he should be a lawyer (and with any luck sue the shit out of MacDonalds).