- Capitalism and Alternatives -


Posted by: Paul (PDK) ( CAPITALISM DEFENDERS OF AMERICA (CDA), USA ) on March 26, 1997 at 00:18:38:

OK, I think its time for us to move off of the subject of "Health Care and Capitalism" and move onto a new subject. Lets talk about how the transformation of Capitalism to Socialism would occur in the United States, which it never will. Face it people... the entire country was founded on Capitalism and is surviving with capitalism. Problems start when Socialists start interfering with our current economy. By converting over to Socialism, all we would be doing would be making more problems for ourselves. Socialism is not the answer... Capitalism is the answer. For example: How much difference has Socialism actually made to the record of West European Capitalism? Ireland and Switzerland after all, are essentially the same kind of societies as their neighbors. Capitalism DOES work and an example of this is Japanese Capitalism. Not only is Japanese Capitalism far more regulated than West European Capitalism, it is also producing a high employment level, as well as good security, education, and
family cohesion. Overall, it performs much better than Socialism. What a coincidence it is that the Socialist Party over there just changed it's name! I do see Pro-Socialism peoples points on why they think Socialism is the key (my Father is a member of the Socialist Labor Party... no kidding!) but I still believe that Capitalism is the key... That is why I started CAPITALISM DEFENDERS OF AMERICA (CDA). With our membership growing dramatically, I think we can get our point across and change Pro-Socialists mind's. I am waiting for a response from The President, Mr. Bill Clinton, on his views about Capitalism and Socialism. This response/possible interview will be posted at a later date. FINALLY ! There is a sign of hope for Capitalistic countries... a lot of the Socialist Labor Parties are running out of money and donations and it looks like they are starting to give up. Keep your responses coming and the debate going!

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