In Reply to: More blood has been let in capitalist countries posted by Alison on June 10, 1996 at 13:31:15:
Let me restate my point a little more clearly so the intellectually challenged will be able to understand. Certainly free-market democratic capitalism is not perfect, but throughout history, all the alternatives have proven to be unspeakably violent and inevitably unstainable. And in deferance to your massacre analogy - atrocities occur in all countries - the scale of which is undeniably lower (by several orders of magnitude) in free market democracies than in communist or socialist systems. No-one with a pulse can deny that. You want to compare poverty levels? I'll put Harlem up against Calcutta any time.
So to summarize: There is no perfect political or economic system (a reflection more of the imperfection of Human Beings than a lack of effort) Given the choices, however, anyone who has ever so much as seen a history book will pick free market democratic captialism without so much as a second thought. And, I can't believe I just wasted more valuable on-line time.