- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: What is success?

Posted by: Brian ( Bournemouth University, UK ) on March 27, 1997 at 13:06:09:

In Reply to: What is success? posted by Rahul Sinha on March 27, 1997 at 02:15:19:

In most western capitalist countries capitalism does indeed work - for 40 - 50% of the population. In Britain the Consevative Party have stayed in power with the support of about 44% of the electorate supporting them. They therefore only need to ensure economic prosperity for this minority to maintain their power base.

The remaining majority are consigned to a life of job insecurity, low pay and economic struggle. In a capitalist society the few always benefit at the expense of the many. For someone to make a profit then someone else must make a loss. This is also evident in the global marketplace where the west has made itself rich by exploiting the third world.

One only has to look at the USA's inner cities to see the true cost of capitalism. Areas of zero employment, high crime levels and the return of diseases that were thougt to have been eradicated years ago. These are the casualties of capitalism. British cities are going the same way, turning into no-go areas where even the police do not venture.

I believe a former US president once said "Ask not what my country can do for me, but what I can do for my country." It is the people who are the country and if all you can do for your country is rip half of the people off to feed the other half then you will surely harvest what you sow in the not to distant future.

CAPITALISM SUCKS - most of the people dry.

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