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socialism, as we saw in GDR is not the real aim of Marx

Posted by: Sven Schubert ( Germany ) on April 04, 1997 at 22:35:51:

hi everybody, as I know, that my message is read by German authorities like "Verfassungsschutz" and BND, I feel free the say, what I think:
the reality of socialism, as I saw in my home-country GDR, was not real socialism, the ruling society was much more rich than the working people, like nowadays. But the aim of socialism is not bad. Imagine, everybody works for the suriving of it┤s own society, there exists no money, you┤ll get what you need and in fact, nearly everyone will basically need the same, so there will be no differences between the worker in a steel-mine and one like me: a bank-clerk.
I┤ve read the books of Marx and Engels, I┤m sure, if man is one day intelligent enough, not to see only his own advantage, people will be able to live in a society, which will surely be the follower of the capitalism. In Germany, nowadays many social aspects are thrown away, only to make economy stronger and the working people more depending to its employers. But this can┤t be the right way.
By now, the conserative partys rule Germany for about 15 years! Look to Germany and you┤ll see where to it leads. Over 4┤000┤000.00 workless people, that┤s about 12% of the working people! The worst figure after the WW II !
I┤m sure, there will be a change! I┤m excited to the elections in 1998. Then I┤ll be able to elect myself, and as Kohl rules this country any longer, it would be enough to me, to make the opposition a bit stronger with my voice.
Thank you.

cu, schubi

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