- Capitalism and Alternatives -

capitalism is GREED

Posted by: ba ( usa ) on April 05, 1997 at 08:12:29:

There are so many misconceptions as to what different economic policies
and ideologies emphasize. First off, capitalism is a economic society
that basically allows its people to be swayed by their own greedy
impulses. To further worsen the reality of capitalism, may I also say
that this greed often gives an already too wealthy bussiness executive
the power to fire a perfectly honorable worker, in laymen terms, down-
sizing. This happens because the rich become overwelmingly selfish
and have more loyalty towards their own financial position than they
care about their own employees.
Secondly, communism is not a government, but rather an economic
philosophy. It is a system like Utopia, which is regarded as ideal.
The society does not work for money, they do however work for the
community-to better the community. By chance, Stalin came to power
and turned communism into a nightmarish threat to freedom and even
equality. This was not the idea of the visionaries and revolutionaries
such as Marx of Germany, Engel of France, and Lenin of Russia.
Truly, capitalism is greed and communism is thought of in a mis-
interpreted, derogatory manner. I hope the next time someone decides
label something, they actually study what it really teaches instead of
letting fly the harsh comments such as "communism sucks."

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