- Capitalism and Alternatives -Simple truthIn Reply to: Re: Communism is idiotic posted by Thibor Ferenczy, yah on January 30, 1997 at 18:31:44:
The simple truth of the matter is this, one cannot actually intelligently say that communism is idiotic, it is true that the true form of communism has never been tested in the modern world. Communism is this, a community, period. It is community where people help each other for the better good of all. It insures that all will eat, be provided with health care, provided with protection, education, and housing. It doesn't sound all that bad does it? The only problem with communism is that people (mostly the greedy indiv. USA) would not give up their prized possesions for the better good of all. Their two cars in the garage, 40 inch video screen, etc. Say rather say that people are idotic, and selfish. I am not very religious, but jesus would have been a communist. Christians should be communists, that is the basic principle, though it has benn lost, or for that matter, never been found. Love thy brother. This may sound ignorant, for i do not have the quick simple answer that everyone looks for. The fact of the matter is that not one form of thought, or government, does. It takes time, and review. It is nec. to view all sides of government,(or lack there of) I am only a 19year old student, with ideas. It would be unwise of me or anyone to say that one way will solve hunger, suffering, etc. But what we all can do is use our freedom of speech. Especially us in the US, we have more freedom than anywehre to express our selves, and fix our problems. I call on everyone to excercise their free speech, and thought. Arm yourself with power, and knowledge. We are the government. The simple truth is that it is not simple. Live, long and free, but more importantly, live for your people, and the better good for all. Thankyou, very much. Scott Paul HOgan, University of Scranton, PA ![]()