Hmmm.... As an atheist, I can't really discuss the 'God' bit, except that I thought most Gods say that you should help others as much as possible.....But as far as I can see, you haven't understood that there is a fundamental problem with capitalism. Namely, it's dog eat dog; in order for there to be winners there must be losers as well.
'So what?' you ask, 'isn't that the way of nature? Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest etc.' Well, yes up to a point, but it has been shown that many species of animals actually do just as well or even better by co-operating rather than competing (for example, remoras and sharks). So it's not quite as clear-cut as many people would have you believe.
No reasonable person would want to deny another person the fruits of their hard work, or to support people who are genuinely unwilling to work. But in the end, can any person or business survive on their own ? I mean, look at what's been happening the last few years all over the world, companies everywhere are basically throwing people out of work so that they can make more profits for themselves. But who do they expect to buy their products and services when no-one has any money to spend ? Another way of putting it is that if you trample all over someone to get to the top, you can't really complain if they then stab you in the back when you're not looking. If you didn't pay any taxes, would you have to pay just as much in security measures to prevent crime by unemployed and poor people ?
My basic point is that even if you don't give a damn about anyone else from a moral point of view, you have to care about others because they support you as well. The capitalist dogma of 'individualism' to the detriment of 'society' only works up to a point.
And sadly, no matter what your Constitution says, the fact of the matter is that the most opportunities are still only open to those with the most money.