If we live in a democracy, then the government is supposed to represent the views of the majority. At the moment both parties are so desperate to be elected that they would seem to represent the views of the voters they are attempting to woo. The CJB was not an attack dreamed up by the government on the E culture, radical greens and others. It merely reflected the views of the group everyone wants to have on their side - Middle England, and the middle classes in general.
And the CJB marches are of little importance in the big scale of things. Look how quickly the world has forgotten about the student rebellions of the sixties. At the time they seemed to be of enormous importance, now the people who were involved are themselves probably living quiet middle class existences somewhere in the home counties.
Let us not forget that the 60s, a seen as a time of fierce student politics in ten years became the 80s, a period of relative political apathy. And those rebeliious students now make up part of the middle classes themselves.