: > Education is cornerstone for both the development and maintenance of the
: > psychological well-being of any free society. : While I agree with much of what you say- and certainly you are not the only person noting such things (Noam Chmosky's propaganda model springs to mind)
: you do miss out a fundamental point by not questioning the education system itself. To start with- very simply, the division of Labour into people who work with their hands, and people who work with their minds, creates an ideological gap- the people responsible for thinking become divorced from society, and tend to become tame, and just as much a part of the propaganda model as the journalists. Thus education is not beautiful and transparent- while knowledge is good, education slants knowldege, and limits learning to acceptable areas- in Britain our politicians have just been fighting over who can impose the most control upon the state education.
I agreee with you entirely. High school/university educations do slant Education towards promoting the economic and political ideals which are currently held. In a way this is a good thing since we must all learn how to deal with this.
I meant education in the broadest sense - one that stems from the free discussion of ideas etc. It is discussion between freinds, from parents to children (and vice versa) and between generations. We need to educate ourselves in the process of free thought. It is only through such freedom that we will be able to step back from the outrageous onslaught of comsumer ideals being imposed on us by big corporations, their obedient media and accommodating governments, and truly evaluate their worth (or lack thereof).
This is the way in which I believe education and our understanding of it should be.