- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Fight back.

Posted by: Will ( UK ) on June 11, 1997 at 00:37:34:

In Reply to: Re: Fight back. posted by GlennyRed on June 05, 1997 at 10:07:45:

> By the way I do believe that the downfall of capitalism is inevitable.
> However, it will come sooner and be more organized with stiff political
> opposition from the working class.

Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in the British Library in London. He was convinced that the Revolution that would rage through Europe, as the proletariat swept away the Bourgeois, would begin, not in Russia, but instead in England. Here, he felt, the conditions were right: an Educated population, kept at heel by the power of those who ran the factories. In fact Russia, in its backward state, was, he thought, one of the last places that would fall.

But he was wrong, and this was, I believe, because he had made a fundamental error in his assumptions about human nature. If people are in a position which they believe to be affluent, they are unwilling to accept the uncertainty of revolution. Look at revolution worldwide, today, and what we see in countries such as Sierra Leone, is a poplular movement hijacked by others for their personal gain. It's much as Orwell predicted in Animal Farm.

The nature of human society has always been to have those with more power and those with less power-as Marx himself said in the Manifesto. The problem is that, while he saw an end to this, an "End to History" as it were, we have yet to observe that. I don't go for the "Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely" line. I do believe, perhaps optimistically, that statesmen do exist (to paraphase Ian Smith, "A politician thinks just till the next election, a stateman till the next generation") I think that Nelson Mandela is one, FW De Clerk another.

If we use the term Capitalism loosely to define this state of affairs, then I don't see how it can be defeated.

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