: DJ, you are the man! I agree with you 200%! Finally, there is someone else besides me that believes that Capitalism is the answer. I don't know how old you are, but you definitely know what you're talking about. If you want to learn even more about Capitalism, I would suggest reading the magazine called "The Freeman", or joining CAPITALISM DEFENDERS OF AMERICA, which I am president of. Please, keep posting your ideas, and If you have time, read mine. They are posted under the name Paul (PDK) or CAPITALISM DEFENDERS OF AMERICA.Dear Paul, you are unique. I was wondering if you were going to reserve your spot on the next time capsule that gets buried. You are obviously a victim of the conspiracy against intelligence.
The most tragic point to make: as if capitalism relies on people like you, the Capitalism Defenders of Amerika. Capitalism relies on the $billions spent on PROPAGANDA. Since the ideology of the ruling class becomes the ideology of the whole of society, unless you think for yourself and seek out others like you, you are not free. You espouse the "land of the free" yet you are not.
Have you ever seen any parades, or rally's, or marches, or demonstrations, or picket lines, or militant actions, or university occupations, or mass mobilisations, or anything that defends capitalism ?
You are unique, and recruiting for your social club I see.
You wouldn't want it to be a political organisation because that would mean being physically and mentally active, working 10 or 40 hours unpaid a week, working a paid job as well, constantly trying to organise mass mobilisations against the disasters that ultimately result from the most absurd system of organisation you could possibly think up. Um capitalism. (that was for if you hadn't got it).
Sometimes my spot of liberalism takes over and i've probably wasted time replying to your "contribution" to the capialism & the alternatives debate.
But I'm insprired by the intelligence and wit of the people of this site and everyone understands that the realities of everyday life will overcome the mountain of bullshit we are forced to endure day in day out.
Join us, the people who give a shit, the people who know no national boundaries, know no differences in race or colour or sex or sexuality, the people who desire to interact with and not subjugate nature, the people who are hard-working and unselfish and who gave up boredom long ago. Join the Resistance. (socialist youth organisation)
Dance proud, fuck safe, and make revolution.
Andy, of the resistance.