- Capitalism and Alternatives -

We're still trying...

Posted by: Red Deathy ( RDP, UK ) on June 27, 1997 at 12:59:03:

In Reply to: Tell me of a perfect socialist state posted by Robert Rush on June 25, 1997 at 10:04:15:

: : The idea that a socialist nation is necessarily bereft of personal freedoms is ludicrous.

: Tell me of a perfect socialist state. In fact, tell of of ANY socailist state which has been successful in protecting natural freedoms.

Difficult- there has never been (SInce pre-history) a socialist state. We're still trying...

: I came back just to clear up one thing -- I am in NO WAY in favor of anti-sodomy laws or "random sobriety tests". I am also for getting rid of such incompetent and worthless organizations as the BATF, and for vastly limiting the power of organizations such as the FBI and the CIA. They are nothing but a bunch of anti-freedom "fighters" who love to earn commission on making individual's lives miserable. Also -- notice those organizations are part of the GOVERNMENT -- the government you and your socialist allies would wish to expand.

I'm glad- but as I explained- socialism is not about handing the economy over to the state- it is about the vast majority of the people talking comtrol of the economy for themselves, and tehreby abolish the state.

: : About you misconception of the Marxist view on personal property --
: Oh, all too clear. Since I am against monopolies of all sorts, giving the government a sole monopoly over "the major means of production" is about as bad as an idea as you can get. Just look at the brilliant government-owned Post Office monopoly right here in the U.S. of A. Since I don't get my mail about HALF THE TIME because they are a bunch of incompetent fools, you can see just how well monopolies work, government owned or otherwise. And as if those government workers are treated so much better in comparison to the private-sector workers -- I haven't heard of any UPS workers going insane and shooting everyone in their office.

Our British monopoly post office works just fine, thanks. But its not about monopoly and compettion- you''ll find most sectors are monoplolies under capitlaism- its just that you'll see different subsidiaries of the same conglomerate ostensibley competing against one another. But monopolies do not work under capitlaism by the nature of the capitalist system, and of wage slavery- under socialism it would not be a monopoly running a business, but a socially organised activity to meet human needs- the distinction is vital....

: I love debating socialists, but I have to make sure I leave quickly from the room they are all in, lest I too get high off all the bongs they are evidently smoking.

I don't smoke nowt mate...


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