: > So thats why tribal societies are dead full of competition and rivalry, and
: > have competition between cows milk producers? Or that pre-industrial
: > pre-capitalist society in europe was co-operative. Human nature never changes. : But you know what? We are not living in a tribal society. I'm terribly sorry, but each and every one of us has been ruined by modern society. I'll tell you what. Why don't you gather all of your Utopia - pushing friends together and start a commune. Go for it. Abolish government and money. See how much work gets done. Let me know what happens. If it works for you, great, leave us the hell alone.
What a stupid thing to say. Why should we give up whats right fully ours, just so people like you can continue to exploit and destroy us. It is our world, our lifes and we want to take control of it throwing off the parasites. Giving up and living is a commune is not what we want (or what will be allowed by you. We are going to break the system and take back what is ours.