: Capitalism offers equality. It is not equality of results as you would wish, but equality of opportunity. Every one has the same shot. The people at the top are those who are most willing to scramble to get there. That is as fair as it gets. Then you people come along and see the people on the bottom (few as they are) and say "let's make everybody miserable." Sounds like a plan to me. : As for that crack about democracy, why is it that the USA is the richest most powerful nation in the world? Democracy seems to be working fine for us. It's better that we are represented by people who make a career out of politics, because people (you) on a whole are generally quite stupid. I really wouldn't want you to be someone who decides how much money is spent on social(ist) programs like Welfare. We'd all be in the poor house. The best of us making decisions for the rest of us.
: Cara
: P.S. Can we please stop with the name calling. I didn't start it and it's quite immature, don't you think?
What kind of drugs have you been taking?
People on top usually have been given that privilege by being born into it or stepping on others to get there. Equal? Where are YOU? I don't want to be sandwiched anywhere on the mess, thank you very much. Those people on the bottom constitute the majority of the fucking global population (oh, say 90% of us). Please try and get yer facts straight.
The USA is probably doing so well because of its uncanny ability to fuck up other countries, the poorest ones especially. That has nothing to do with democracy in my eyes. All these wonderful trade agreements being put together are more in favour of Western nations than the others. Their new industrialism is just further polluting the plant, not to mention further exploiting workers in many of these countries which do not have labour laws. Many of the Asian countries hire children to work 16hr+ shifts, sometimes on amphetamines ("speed") to keep them awake and fast. Next time you purchase a pair of Nike running shoes think about the women and children who have suffered to provide you with your high profile designer sports wear. You think "we" are stupid, Cara? Sounds like you are the idiot to me.