: But you know what? We are not living in a tribal society. I'm terribly sorry, but each and every one of us has been ruined by modern society. But we're only one generation and it only takes one generation wanting Socialism to make it work. After that your greedy-selfish-tainted- by-modern-society "human nature" will not apply. Every subsequent generation's idea of what human nature is like will be very different from today. You are obviously no anthropologist so don't ever presume to think that you know how human nature operates.
:I'll tell you what. Why don't you gather all of your Utopia - pushing friends together and start a commune. Go for it. Abolish government and money. See how much work gets done. Let me know what happens. If it works for you, great, leave us the hell alone.
Leave us the hell alone?!? What does that mean? Socialists are people too. We're not born socialists, we develope a different perspective of the world as we grow up and get crappy blue-collar jobs and are dicked around by our managers and supervisors. Just who do you mean by "us" when you say "leave us the hell alone?" "Us" meaning the average citizen? Well socialists are the average citizen, they're just a little more politically sophisticated. So are you asking every worker in the world who has to look past all the bullshit because he is dicked around by his employer one too many times to just up and leave society? If so you are crazy. Socialists are almost all working class citizens and pretty soon all working class citizens will be socialists. If you banish such a huge chunk of society the phrase "leave us the hell alone" kinda loses it's meaning.