: Well, to get going, you may have to take a shit job or two along the way.These "shit jobs," the McJobs, do not offer advancement, skill acquisition, or living wage opportunities. They might legitimately be for extra cash for teenagers, but they aren't a legitimate alternative to welfare, not if you want to earn a living. So they don't help you "get going."
: As the song goes "I never promised you a rose garden". If a shit job is the
: only way I could see out of my situation, I would take it in a heartbeat! I
: would not burden the taxpayers anymore than they already are.
Ask yourselves -- does this read like the words of someone who has actually held those "shit jobs," or is this just more taxpayer self-righteousness? But let's be kind to the people, and avoid advocating the same morality of "everybody must work," i.e. forced labor, that became standard policy in the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin. This is really what the Welfare Bill boils down to, since the jobs don't pay enough, and since the welfare is being replaced by "workfare."
The recipients of corporate welfare (Disney, Archer Daniels Midland, Wackenhut etc.) have no scruples of taking government money, since the government shells out more to them than it does in the millions of payments it makes to those with nothing.
What these self-righteous taxpayers don't realize is that one of the reasons they're earning so much is that government welfare payments to the poorest of citizens puts pressure upon the corporations to keep wages high. What they also don't realize is that they're paying so much in taxes because the corporations pay so little.
: As for our military, remember! We saved your butt from Hitler and his band of
: bastards! And believe it or not, there are real threats in this world today.
: There is good reason not to scrape our national security.
This is a false dilemma. Nobody is recommending eliminating US national security altogether. Having to pay 52% of your income taxes to support phony excuses for "national security," added to the small effort it takes to keep the US free from foreign invasion, however, is something people might object to. The US military is way overpaid, with money taken from my paychecks.
: 55 years ago, Japan was not considered a big threat (Pearl Harbor changed that!).
The US militarized almost overnight to combat Germany and Japan, yet here today it is the biggest arms dealer in a world without a serious threat to its hegemony, and we are supposed to judge this world by the same standard of national security we used in 1941, or in 1939, when American influence had real competitors.
You still have yet to name a current real threat to US world hegemony.
Try to make it a threat that ISN'T currently being supplied with US weapons. America deals weapons the world wide to keep gun-masturbators happy everywhere.