: Are things really as bad as everyone (especially us Americans)are making out?
: I think not, and certainly not in America.: Let us remember that the freedom to express one's views is a rather new
: concept, in terms of human civilization. The average lifespan continues to
: rise as infant mortality falls. Education is available to everyone. We have
: the ability to travel around the globe. Even the poorest among us can find
: food and get an education.
: Of course, America, or any society, isn't perfect. But while
: we decry the current state of affairs and debate the future,
: perhaps we should take a moment to reflect on how lucky we,
: Americans, are, when compared to the vast majority of people
: who have come before us.
Maybe we are better off than a century ago but we have sure dropped fast in the last 25 years which makes me nervous of the future and sad that my generation is handing on an lifestyle worse than our parents handed onto us.
We are working harder or not working at all. It feels nasty out there now: from the increased pressure of work; increased abuse between genders; lack of confidence in future freedoms or environment etc.
You even see it in the way people drive or how unhappy people look in the street. I don't think its my projection as people do not look that demoralized on the streets of India.
I hope the next generation can do better.