: Who wants to rely on a bunch of yokels somebody managed to get in power
: They don't seem to do what we want anyway
: How can they when $$$$$$$$$ control their every move
: Think about it folks
: Maybe we should all have none, including the one's who've got the mostAnarchists puzzle me. By doing whatever you want with no government, or currency, the purist form of capitalism would happen. Money is one messure of wealth and abolishing it will not purge wealth. Money is not even an invention of government, nations just standardized it to prevent chaos. Undobtedly some reasources will be valued under an Anarchy; somebosy will have the clever (and ancient) idea to make a bank that would issue bills representing commodities of worth.
The rich would emerge very quickly and what are you and 'the people' going to do when they become landlords, or tyrants? No government would mean compleatly unrerstricted trade and capitalism, exactly the thing (most) anarchists are against. What are 'the people' going to do when somebody gains weath?... Steal it? I would not advise this as you may get an ounce of buckshot through your brain; no such thing as murder, right?
Marxist Anarchy is fundamentally stupid as its only a temporary state. Eventually somebody claims power; it happened thousaunds of years ago and still holds true. Even though I'm a hard core capitalist, I also suport Anarchy. I just can't beleave you do.