: : At any rate, I will be the first to acknoledge there has never been a working socialism, maybe because one can't exist, but I will put skepticsism aside for now. As know the device sitting in front of you required a lot of capital and reasources to make. In a utopian socialism where means of production are owned by "the people" and wealth is somehow distrubuted without currency or government, why would anyone attempt to make such things as computers? Development would go on for years before anything practical would be made. : *Voice of Dr. Science -- he knows more than you do* "We are SO OMNISCIENT that we KNOW FOR SURE that a perfect society, such as has NEVER EXISTED before on this Earth, and which may never in fact exist at all throughout the span of time, wouldn't invent anything. How do we know? Well, um, er, uh, we have a time machine -- and a direct line to God. So let's not bother trying to bring such a society into being."
The proponents of socialism go on and on about the fact that there has never been a system like the one you invision. The fact is none of us know this for sure. I'll grant you that maybe none exist in our history books, but it shows the arrogance of our generation when we act like we are the only humans who have ever been able to imagine a more congruous way of life.
Maybe the theories of Social Darwism are correct. Maybe these societies have existed but the stronger and more perfectly evolved systems won out. Maybe ideally these systems seem better, but when put into pratice, human nature (for better or worse) defeated them.