: : What insight do you provide? The fact that these corporations use :these tools to advertise these products says less about how stupid and :how much they lie...rather because it works. : Lying works, just ask the global conglomerates formerly known as big tobacco (who, incidentally, still make most of the products you buy).
Educate yourself and you will not be ignorant enough to purchase the product. Nobody is forcing you to purchase anything, that is the beauty of the system. If you beleive that it is a lie based on your perception than you have the right not to purchase this. Do you think that all the programs on television that ask you to send money to save the poor are exclusively legitamite? Are you naive enough to think just because something sounds like it is morally acceptable that it is on the level? The fact that I have educated myself about the damage tha tobacco can do, it is still my choice to purchase it and beleive what they tell me if I choose not to educate myself. I do not blame the corportation for this, I accept everyones ability to form their own conclusions. Perhaps we should censor advertisements based on truth and have you control this.
: :The fact remains that the majority of advertisments are aimed at :increasing sales to the market segment that purchases the equipment. :Your argument is silly because you are attaching the wrong side...it is :not the fact that the corporations lie or are stupid, it is based on the :fact that the majority of consumers are wrapped up in a world that does :not consist of global events, news, philosophy, art etc....your real :disgust should be with the public, not the corporation...
: That is why I am talking to people like you, who buy this kind of thing hook, line and sinker. We can and should assert our rightful power over the corporation, not allow the opposite. These posts are not letters to corporations, but to those who can and would do something about it.
What the hell are you talking about. The corporations create and sell products to a market. If it did not exist, they would not do it. Your problem is not with the corporation it is with the people that buy the products that support it. Your allusion to buying the crap hook line and sinker has less to do with my ignorance and more to do with your lack of objectivity and choice to decide on what is best or moral, or proper for the rest of us...who the hell gave you that right to make a judgement on something I choose to purchase or beleive. I suppose if you thought that the bible was a lie, you would argue for closing churches. People have choices in this society, and if the choose not to exercise them the the benefit of all, the you should go after the masses, not the corporations that reap the benefits from this ignorance.
: :they are only serving a need that exists..however repulsive that may :seem to you...it is always interesting to read your cynical and sarcastic :retorts that are not very well thought out.
: They are masters at creating a need where one did not exist before. Example: commercial shows a huge pill that a man is climbing to the top of, with the pharmacological name of the drug at the top. When the man reaches the top, the announcer says, "ask your doctor if XXXXXX is right for you." They don't say what it is, what it is for, and why you would need it, (you don't) it is just something to sell you to create a cash flow for their investment.
It also has a consumer of a product asking a doctor what the prescription is and may have the effect of educating a patient enough to put pressure on the doctor to justify or persuade the patient from using the drug. Are you ignorant enough and have little faith in people to make their own decisions. We are all not simple fools who take everything we read and watch to heart as truth. You are not as objective and insightful as you assume, you merely choose to look at the cynical argument of something you beleive you can not control. If you have a problem with your above mentioned example, then perhaps you should write your congressman, or organize a group of people who think the same as you and exercise your right to opt for stricter laws...attack the government that structures laws that allow corporations to advertise for something you disagree with...once again your agument is weak.
: : Perhaps we should all buckle down and view the world you see....that :way we could at least agree on what perspective you would enjoy.
: Perhaps you will. Perhaps through dialog we can come up with an even better way of doing things, that no-one yet has thought of!
The intent of this session.
: : Rather than bitch and complain about the perils and evils of big :business why don't you get off your ass and do something positive.
: I believe communicating with my fellow citizens is something positive, and I do believe people have the right to advocate changes and point out inequities within our current system.
A wonderful generic statement that implies little with your cynical attitude towards the corporations and the evil they disseminate. If you were truly interested in change you would not merely share your opinion, you would strive for objectivity that would allow you to become more educated and increase your ability to communicate and persuade....
: : The educated middle.
: I hope your education continues, and you never stop learning.
and yours.
: Mike, The Everett Citizen