: No, I am not against 1 person 1 vote throughout the world. What I am against is the falsehood that there is a true utopia. No matter what we eventually accomplish there will still be those out there that think they know more than anyone else does (dictator types). These types will be dissatisfied with any system that does not make them the supreme ruler. Even if there is only one amongst billions that is not satisfied then that means that not everyone is satisfied!So let them be dissatisfied! In a democracy they will pose no threat to peace if it is one in a billion dissatisfied. But try one dissatisfied Billionaire in the capitalist system, and you will see a threat to peace.
: The "not per dollar" thing. Please don't confuse political influence with votes. With rare exception 1 vote 1 person is the rule in this country.
Are you talking about the US? If so, don't delude yourself. When multi-national conglomerates are the exclusive support of every major candidate in every election, choice 'A' or choice 'B' really doesn't matter. You can "vote" for candidate 'A', candidate 'B' or not vote at all, and the results are the same: A puppet working hard for corporate interests and financial gain for the wealthy.
:And it is reasonable to assume that for the most part there is a relationship of dollars to political influence. The founding fathers in the U.S. did not create a true democracy. They created a democratic republic. Part of their concerns were the fact that it would be impossible to have every citizen vote on every issue (a true democracy). Parts of their concerns were also excessive influence on the elected officials. This is one of the reasons our elected officials only serve short terms. If things get too far out of hand the 1 person 1 vote should bring them down.
But it never does "bring them down" when there is a clone right behind them to serve the same master. Can you think of a time when there was MORE influence on "elected" officials than RIGHT NOW? You have got to be kidding!
: In the capitalistic system, boycotting is one effective method to force the abuser to correct its ways.
Do you have any idea how many different products a Proctor and Gamble make, for instance? Boycotting one little product will make no dent, especially when they make rival products to the one you are boycotting. With every merger there are fewer and fewer choices. The "economy" is centralizing. Choices are dwindling. It is time to assert our rightful sovereignty over corporations, and start revoking the charters of the most irresponsible.
: : Capitalism is not a system that rewards for doing, it is the system that rewards for NOT doing.
: Except for the government paying farmers for not planting certain crops I can't think of any business based on doing nothing. Can you supply examples?
You just supplied yourself with an example. The largest recipients of Government handouts are Agri-businesses like RJR Nabisco, who support every major candidate from both major parties with equal zeal.
Sitting on a yacht looking at the financial page is another example. The idle rich are far more damaging to humanity than the idle poor.
Gotta run, I've more to say, and will answer your questions.
Mike, The Everett Citizen