- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Let's take a poll

Posted by: Quincunx ( not there ) on September 11, 1997 at 11:12:37:

I'm a bit intrigued by the polarisation of debate lately where personality clashes have taken the fore and the substance of the debate "Capitalism and Alternatives" seems to have dissolved and evaporated.

What I feel we should do (courtesy of Sam) is to take a poll.

1)Do you think Kevin is making good on his claims to know his interlocutors?

What are your reasons for thinking so?

2)Do you think Kevin is just making a fool of himself?

What are your reasons for thinking so?

3) What do you think are Samuel Day Fassbinder's positive ideas?

Why do you think these ideas are positive?

4) What do you think are Samuel Day Fassbinders's negative ideas?

Why do you think these ideas are negative?

McSpotlight comment:

this reader is correct this is getting way too off the debate: capitalismand the alternatives. redress the balance - this board is NOT for personality clashes though they might occur due to the nature of the debate. The debate is NOT going to be in any way served by whatever the outcome of this 'poll' - it will in no way justify any stance or argument.

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