- Capitalism and Alternatives -


Posted by: Mike Bednarz ( FocC, Wells, KS ) on September 11, 1997 at 11:48:00:

In Reply to: Please show us the facts posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on September 09, 1997 at 11:05:08:

: And I don't see how that part of the national debt that went to weapons spending counts as anything less than military spending. If you bought a car on credit, your loan payments would still count as "automotive spending," especially since the loan company could repossess the car if you defaulted on your commitment to paying back the loan. Granted, there's a different default procedure for governments. But it's still called default.

Yes, some money that was borrowed to create the debt went to military spending, but not nearly all of it. Besides what are you suggesting? Defaulting on bond payment?

The debt today is mostly built out of intrest on itself; sure some of it is from old defense spending, but the whole 25% Intrest figure is used only for shock-value.

Follow Ups:

  • Dodge-value Samuel Day Fassbinder Pomona Valley Greens USA September 12 1997 (0)

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