: One vote for fool, for the following reasons:: 1) Kevin suggests that we talk to our fellow citizens about our concerns, and not to "whine" about it on this board. But these people ARE our fellow citizens. And this is WHY this board is here. Kevin, why are YOU here?
Mike, I have just as much right to say whatever I want as you do. The fact that I challenge your opinions in a direct manner that you do not like, or take offense to, is irrelevant. If I choose to beleive that most of your arguments in our debates are based on silly notions, rather than practical, objective and rational principles, other than your emotion about a topic, then allow me to keep my own ingorance......simply go on enjoying your life and let it be.
: 2) Kevin resists legislating away corporate transgressions, saying we should "vote with our dollars, and not buy the products", then when Claire says the same thing about not buying the products, he attacks her.
Read it again Mike. The statement had more to do with the negative comments made about people who go through life in capitalism simply buying products they do not need, or require. The statement implied a value judgment that corporations have created this hysteria, and that all the little money driven, profit mongers peddle down the street to spend money and buy the quick fix, rather than stay at home and construct with your own hands. The comment I made stated that the market exists to satisfy a need. If you do not purchase a product with your dollars, and no profit is made, then the incentive to produce this product is nullified. Therefore, it had little to do with saying that Claire is wrong to make her own, I was simply stating that many people choose to do otherwise for a number of reasons, time constraints etc. Therefor, instead of making a comment about how sad it is, or what europeans do differently to indicate something is better or worse than another is not fair. She has a right to choose her own behavior and vote with her dollar, just as I choose to grab a big mac on the way home to save time so I can be with my family. This is not a judgement on capitalism, or corporations, it is about values that people have....
: 3) He compares Samuel Day Fassbinder to Hitler and Stalin, although to my knowledge, Sam hasn't rounded up certain citizens for killing, and nothing I have read indicates that he might in the future.
I was using the same ignorant vehicle that many others have used in this forum to indicate ignorance. Just because you have an idea of what Hitler and Stalin both did, does not mean you fully understand the usage and contextual meaning of these examples. To me, it is no different than many other arguments or examples cited on this forum that have little basis in facts, and more to do with what someone thinks they mean, then to any historical fact. If you think about it long enough mike, it may make sense to you.
: 4) He is inconsistent with every argument. Read for yourself on this board, and vote (one vote per person, not per dollar, sorry Kevin)!
Mike, you have developed into a very big whiner.....The arguments that I have made are very consistent and do have a common thread, although I will admit they are a little more complicated than your own. These are the frustrations that exist when you are communicating with someone who has a narrow minded opinion of events and history like yourself. Now enough of the personal attacks....get on with it.