- Capitalism and Alternatives -

No, I guess Not

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on September 11, 1997 at 21:53:22:

In Reply to: is this really necessary? posted by Erskine on September 11, 1997 at 11:08:30:

Ok, Sorry, I got carried away with the "fool" vote, so score me as a fool too.

But I do take issue with Kevin on each of the points outlined in my previous posting. I feel those points are indeed valid debate, once we strip aside the name calling. Kevin, why not address those four points, repeated here:

: 1) Kevin suggests that we talk to our fellow citizens about our concerns, and not to "whine" about it on this board. But these people ARE our fellow citizens. And this is WHY this board is here. Kevin, why are YOU here?

: 2) Kevin resists legislating away corporate transgressions, saying we should "vote with our dollars, and not buy the products", then when Claire says the same thing about not buying the products, he attacks her.

: 3) He compares Samuel Day Fassbinder to Hitler and Stalin, although to my knowledge, Sam hasn't rounded up certain citizens for killing, and nothing I have read indicates that he might in the future.

: 4) He is inconsistent with every argument. Read for yourself on this board.

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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