- Capitalism and Alternatives -Hard hitting stuff...In Reply to: what! posted by I aint got one on September 13, 1997 at 23:42:32:
Oh yes, I like your stuff, and I like your sarcasm but what IÆm really sad about is that you didnÆt like my study. You see, I wanted to respond to those people who have said that ôcapitalism is O.K because it provides the greatest freedom of choice, because itÆs the most efficient use of resources, because it gives the greatest opportunity to those æhard workingÆ souls amoung us, because itÆs the money incentive thatÆs gonnna save the world......etc, etc. (these are all arguments that IÆve read on this page) and I wanted to produce a piece of FACT that showed that, hold on, prepare yourself, the American Dream might be be all it says it is - a dream. I can see this ainÆt no surprise to you, but I can see that there are those on this page who are far from convinced that the system is heading us in the wrong direction. I also presented the research because if I am going to believe anything I need the facts, I need the statistics and I need the dialectics. ![]() None.