: : : : : : Again capitalism, money, "greed", "profit", "commodity lust": whatever you want to call it, produces inovation and technology.: So what is it exactly that is being said. That if every day you woke up with some streneous task in front of you (ie -getting into town 5 miles away to work) you would't want to think of some device that would make it easier? What about if your grandma were faced with such a task. Let the woman hoof it up the road, or create some sort of alternative. Is necessity not the mother of invention?
Yes neccesity is the mother of invention-- especially in capitalism.
These kind of situations exsist allready in capitalism under the banner of charity. I am not forced by anyone, but I often drop neighbor kids off to thier school (10mi) from my very small town; because its on my way to work (35mi) and I have no objection to doing it. Such tasks (or inventions) do not have to be forced by the state.