: What is bad is that some people are working there for $5.15 an hour just to maintain; just to survive, much less think about improving their lives or for that matter improving society.When your down and out there are two basic non violant things you can do. You can set there and wine because life is so unfair or you can work at improving yourself. The winers depend on LONG TERM welfare. The improvers use SHORT TERM welfare.
Personally I will reach out and help anyone get back on their feet. It makes me feel good and it makes the other person feel good because they feel like they are somebody. I will not pick someone up and carry them through life. It makes me feel like a slave to their demands and it makes them feel useless.
For this reason alone I feel that LONG TERM welfare is a stigma on our society. It hurts everyone involved.
I can best express this in personal experience as follows. One person I overheard said - "I'll just go on welfare. Hell, let the working bastard pay my way. He deserves it." This person has been on welfare for over 5 years now. Personally, I don't think this person deserves any money from anybody. And I sure don't owe that person anything.
In another case I know a person who got layed off due to a RIF. This person used unemployment pay and some government program(don't remember which one) to get into another trade. We also 'supported' this person for 3 years. Personally I had no problem with helping this person.
Are you for long term benefits or just short term benefits?