: Oh Mike, my side is hurting from laughing so hard. Somehow I think I would feel better on my PC here in the US than I would in socialist China. You can say what you want about capitalism but please don't insinuate that capitalism has cornered the market on government intrusion in our personal lives.EC:
Oh, this again. How many of the people on this board who you would consider 'socialist' have EVER uttered a remark supporting the government of China? The Chinese government shot a whole bunch of students singing 'The Internationale' in Tiannamen Square a few years back, don't you remember? The Chinese economy is state capitalist, with a mix of monopolies and starvation workers supplying western capitalism with all sorts of trinkets. Billy Bob Dole Clinton Nixon Bush are all delighted at the cheap source of labor to be found there.
This subject has been discussed at length; where have you been?
Mike, The Everett Citizen