Hello Gideon, This guy out of the University of Pennsylvania is just another example of how warped intellectual thought has become on this side of the Atlantic. Notice how his Ayn Rand influenced jargon and hysterical invectives seems to go hand in hand with US foreign policy flatulence.
These types know how to play the stab-in-the-back game to get into power but in the end they are the deceived. All his talk about democracy is sheer hypocrisy and unfortunately this kind of thinking is backed up by big money. If he is as fanatical as he makes himself out to be then the result will be some sort of psychological breakdown later on in life. Only his future psychotherapist will know for sure.
This Randian phoniness that passes for rational thinking leads to an enclosed siege mentality that is definitely not life enhancing. Could you picture this guy tending his own vegetable garden ? If he owns a dog ,it's likely that it is only for his pleasure. If he hunts it's not for survival but more likely to get drunk with his like-minded "buddies" and drink themselves into oblivion in order to enhance the illusion of being a "he-man". If he's in a fraternity at University of Pennsylvania it's most likely in order to shelter his fantasies from the reality that the rest of humanity wouln't believe his notions. If he has a girlfriend or even a wife the chances are that she is more of a bauble (according to him) than a real human being.
Of course this is all speculation on my part but I suspect that I may be right. I doubt he'll answer these postings after being slam dunked so ingloriously but it'll make a reference posting for future apologists of capitalism.