: : Have you ever considered why EVERY country on earth is moving towards a capitalistic economic system? Do you think the poor were better off under communism in Russia,China,Cuba...?: Have you ever considered why EVERY country has more social unrest and widening gaps between the haves and the have-nots when a free market economy is instituted ? Since these developments the poor are worse off in Russia and China than when they were under the old system.Capitalism is not great for the majority of the world's population and if you think having the planet's population go vegetarian will cure that then you are eligible to have some welfare plan pay part of your therapist's bill. Mike Harris will smile at that.
Sorry I haven't responded quicker...Volatile financial markets are keeping my attention elsewhere. I didn't know you were such a fan of mine.
While of course there will be hardship in the transition, all people will be better off when the move to capitalism is complete. Consider, do you think the poor in Russia were better off under communism than the poor in Canada are?
I don't recall ever arguing that vegetarianism will cure all the worlds problems, just that it would be good for the environment, good for the populations health, and would greatly reduce starvation.
I don't think I will qualify for any welfare under Harris. He has done too good a job reforming the system to ensure that there will always be funds available for the truly needy.
I was happy to see you recomend books by Diane Francis, one of Canada's most prominant right wing journalists. I am a big fan of hers and her pro Reform views.