- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Only God can solve the problems of this world

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on November 19, 1997 at 12:34:54:

In Reply to: Capitalism - the only rational and true system posted by Philip Bartlett on November 11, 1997 at 10:15:58:

Dear Friends,

It has occured to me whilst viewing this most interesting debate that possibly the two sides are really not that far apart after all. I mean at its rudimentery level anyway. Both sides make two common assumptions. One, that man is good, and two, that he alone can solve the problems of the world. Thus, the only thing really being argued here is technique.

These are terrible assumptions.The fact is: man is inherently wicked (and I make no disclaimer for myself either). Also, man cannot solve the problems of this world on his own (only God can).

On the communist side we have those (pardon my generalizing here) who villify some for "having more than others". Whilst they would claim to not be concerned about wealth themselves, ironically it seems as though these folks are indeed more concerned about material wealth than their capitalistic counterparts.Otherwise, there would never be any angst about "haves and have-nots". (God calls this sin - covetousness).

On the other hand we have those (and again pardon my generalizing here) who boast of their success as the product of their own works, intelligence, desire, etc. This totally ignores the fact that these qualities were endowed to the individual by God. Not crediting the proper Source of their given abilities, strength, will, wealth, and success is merely self-worship. (God calls this sin - idolotry).

So what do we have in common? Two sides focused on the material- ends, and thinking that man is good enough to sort it out by himself.

Dear friends, at the risk of being laughed-off your most intelligent conversation, may I offer a bit of worldly foolishness?

Jesus Christ came to this earth over 1900 years ago for one reason. That is, the salvation of you and me. We are all sinners and no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven with sin. There is nothing we can do to get rid of that sin either. How can we then escape eternal judgement in Hell? The Bible says, through faith in Jesus Christ you are justified. God's gift to the world is salvation in the shed blood of his only begotten Son. Please put aside the worldly (material) things for a second and ponder this thought.

If this message speaks to your heart, don't refuse this eternal gift. Believe in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and your place for eternity in Heaven will be sealed immediately. I humbly apologize if I indeed did offend anyone here.

Here is my prayer for you:

Oh Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to converse with these dear ones. You have given us your only begotten Son Jesus Christ for our salvation. Thank you very much indeed! That is a gift which we do not deserve or even understand. I know that I am guilty in your sight, but because of the wonderful Gift of Jesus and His shed blood on Calvary, my sins are forgiven. I ask that you will touch the heart of these dear ones and lead them into your Eternal Kingdom, in your Son's Holy Name, Jesus I pray. Amen.

Can you pray a similar prayer?

If you would like to learn more, please find a Bible and start to read it. If you believe, pray and ask God to strengthen your faith.

If you disagree with this, then please find a Bible anyway and start to read it. That would be a fair enough request in the free market place of ideas, wouldn't it? Give it a go and your life will indeed be richly Blessed.

Dear friends, thank you and God Bless. Cheers.

Robert M. Mitrocsak

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

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