- Capitalism and Alternatives -


Posted by: Trevor Pelot ( USA ) on November 28, 1997 at 10:03:01:

Capitalism is the worst ideology ever thought of.

I am an atheist, but I have been taught that our country was built on Christian beliefs. In the bible it says, "He who sheperds the weak through the valley of darkness is the rightous man," or some shit like that. How can any capitalist say he helps anyone? He/she can't. Capitalism is based on getting as much as you can without caring about anybody. This attitude is obviously not sheperding anyone thru any valley. Capitalism breeds poverty, crime, drugs, and just about every problem in the world. Socialism, where everyone is equal regardless of race or gender, would solve these problems, except for crimes of passion. If your neighbor and his neighbor and his neighbor, and so on, had everything they needed and no one was deprived of anything I have a feeling people would get along better.

Capitalism breeds competition, and competition breeds hate. What better way to control people than to make them compete amongst each other and thus hate each other. Soon your subjects will become so involved in competing with their fellow humans that they will forget about how only a few get richer while they get poorer. End capitalism by revolution.

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