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Trivial post

Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for a Sustainable Aztlan, Aztlan ) on December 02, 1997 at 18:32:59:

In Reply to: Attribute this to my apparent naivete posted by Comrade Green ( on December 02, 1997 at 11:23:47:

: Attribute this to my apparent naivete, but I'm not sure I completely understand your comment.

: If you have read any of my other messages you have learned that I am indeed a socialist and I defend true socialism and communism. How is reminding everyone that true (world) socialism has yet to be put into effect, 'dismissing the issue'?

Let me try to unsnarl this matter by recapitulating. I think MIKE SPROUT is dismissing the issue of true communism. I think YOU are reminding everyone it hasn't happened yet. So the dismissing and the reminding are, IMHO, not the same thing.

: PS Who is to say that 'Sprout' is a 'him'???

Excellent point. Mike Sprout could be, for instance, some computer that has been programmed to send "conservative" messages to Debating Rooms, in which case we should address Sprout as "it."

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