- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Why save it when you could have something greater and better?
Posted by: Comrad Zeus ( USA ) on December 02, 1997 at 18:39:32:
In Reply to: Saving capitalism posted by nat_turner on December 02, 1997 at 01:21:30:
Actually you are wrong.... Capitalism is the best thing that happened to the USA!!! All other countries are still suffering from their bloody revolution against communism and other forms of governemtn that were working fine untill this shit came along and gave everybody "hope," my ass!!! Sorry don't mean to mean... you see East Europe and tyhe USSR was doing pretty good 'tilll people started to rebel becuase they learned about this crazy thing called Democracy and freedom.. well your "freedom" caused the death of millions... the freedom to kill people YA come to the US and kill some people you see it is a free state... YEAH.. sorry again I am being an asshole... but I am jst trying get my pont across strongly, also please excuse my vulgarity.USA is one of the dirtiest countries in the world... metaforicly speaking.. did you know the US killed 5,250,000 people in the Gulf war?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! They did and please don't argue with me and meke me take out my source book only to prove you wrong and make you feel bad and start to hate me. Thanks. You see if none would of rebelled against Stalin (he is a digusting anmal and I am not protecting him I am only proving the stupidity of humans) then they would of not died... just follow the rules and you will be protected! Is that too hard? Democracy basically ruined all other countries and in Europe countries like Hungary are turning back to Socialism 'cause they don't like Democracy... and I agree with them! Allright that is all for now.. please write back so we can have a nice agrument going... of course you can prove me wrong and I call upon you to do so 'cuase I am an open minded individual and I am ready to hear and ideas you might have and while you are at it you might wanna read the Communist MAnifesto and understand where I am coming from it is only 27 pages but says a lot... and i do not beieve in every aspect of it but only the humane and good parts.. OK I must go now.
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